change capable
leadership programme
In partnership with the Devon STP Digital Accelerator (DDA)

We listened to your peers...
The DDA Pilot project worked with local practices to work out what support helps you, as leaders of change in Primary Care.
This includes coaching, training, time with peers and reflective space to be strategic about the future.
Hear what other Primary Care staff said about this support, in their testimonial video:

Our proven programme for empowering leaders and teams teams to acheive change
and wellbeing during COVID and beyond.

leading change through Challenge
Using our expertise in Clinical Psychology, Organisational Psychology, and Research Psychology, we've helped over 200 organisations to better understand how to create transformational change and innovate in the delivery of education and health.
Our award-winning work in these areas has a proven track record.
Our change capability programme is currently nominated for several awards. It is designed to support leaders or teams of leaders to connect to their own commitment and spirit to the change aspirations of an organisation- followed by a learning and action programme to lead this change with their teams
Working with you to meet your aims
We help you identify your needs and work flexibly with you to meet them
Leading through challenge
Re- energised Leaders and teams
Wellbeing for leaders and to support your team.
Psychological safety creation to explore and tackle challenges
Sustainable leadership and teaming for success post-Covid
Sucessfully lead change and innovation
Develop Skills and tools to enable organisational spread

our programme
Our manageable 6 session programme @ 90 mins per session
Safe uncertainty
Enabling leaders to arrive at a place of safe uncertainty for themselves.
Providing insights and approaches for leaders supporting teams through fear, uncertainty and risk.
Resilient & Safe Teams
The theory of ‘psychological safety’ and the approaches to create it.
Challenges and solutions specific to teams
Aiming at wellbeing
Creating an awareness of wellbeing as a proactive concept.
Leadership and team methods of accessing and maintaining resilience.
Responding to wellbeing need
Compassionate leadership approaches to wellbeing monitoring and responding.
Mental health awareness skills- understanding of how to enable staff to access support.
Change capable Teams
An introduction to leadership and team styles that support change.
Approaches to enable psychological safety under pressure.
Maintaining momentum
Methods of creating and sustaining engagement.
Methods of energising a team and yourself as the leader.
Our Methodology
Our team are ​​experts in diverse fields and with over 25 years of experience in change and innovation our methods are both unique, tested and proven.
We blend theory with practice and our own flexibility to adapt to your needs as they emerge
Resources to support you
For large scale commissions, we have developed our toolkits to run alongside the programme and meet the unique needs of your team of leaders.
This allows people to continue their self-development, providing concrete guidance and a private space for reflection, outside of coaching and training sessions
Evidenced outcomes
We are proud that our programme's success has been nationally recognised and are excited to be nominated for these awards for the work we have done with NHS teams

In terms of local success, the Devon Digital Accelerator was witnessed to outperform almost all national accelerators, where acceleration was not generally witnessed.
Regionally, the DDA practices showed an increase in online consultation uptake (pre-COVID) of 1200%+ in the context of a regional uptake rate of 57%. This led to the CCG agreeing to fund the rollout of the DDA approach to all practices in Devon, with a focus on the people first.
This is delivered as the Devon Primary Care Optimisation Programme.
As a consequence, Devon Primary Care is well supported during COVID with leadership, team, innovation and wellbeing coaching provision already funded for the whole region

Wellbeing and support
We are specialists in organisational wellbeing (with experience training over 1,000 coaches, therapists and senior leaders).
All provided by Chartered Clinical Psychologists with additional UXC training in coaching approaches.
In response to the COVID crisis in March 2020 our CEO Dr Craig Newman created Project5 a non-profit support service, free to all NHS staff to help with coping at work and to support staff wellbeing at different levels of need.
The project is volunteer-run and staffed with an affiliate coaching model created for the Project, endorsed by the National Association of Coaches
Project5 has also received national recognition, winning a Prime ministers Points of Light Award

what people say